RTI Sea is a complete box- and system solution for using recyclable boxes and recyclable pallets in plastic as an environmental friendly alternative to the use of EPS boxes and wooden pallets. Through a partnership with the seafood industry and other European players, RTI Sea are aiming at finding a complete solution to cover the seafood industries need for optimized and effective deliveries and logistics with recyclable cargo carriers to and from Europe.

A complete product- and system solution for the seafood industry

RTI Sea is a complete and tailored product- and logistic solution for the seafood industry with special adapted 100 % recyclable and reuseable boxes, steered through a well-functioning and automized ERP system. A perfect example of circular economy.

In cooperation with our partners we wish to offer the seafood industry a total solution for distributing including seamless rental, washing and handling of recyclable reusable boxes in plastic, all according to the seafood industries requirements, from Norway to locations throughout the whole of Europe.


Since 2015 we have been through several larger projects and pilot tests with major players in the Norwegian seafood industry, including developing seafood boxes (similar measures as EPS boxes), optimally designed to secure effective flow of both fillets and round fish.

We have access to washing machines installed in Norway, as well as possibilities for top modern washing facilities throughout Europe, and can offer a optimally adapted ERP system for effective and simple handling of logistics, combined with leadership holding substantial and relevant experience and competence.


Our goals

Our goals for RTI Sea is through cooperation with the seafood industry will:

  • Develop a compmlete RTI Sea system- and product solution to a industrial practice for the whole seafood industry
  • Reduce the seafood industries packaging expenses and CO2 emissions

The seafood box will live at least 60 years - not only for 36 hours

Through RTI Sea we are offering the seafood industry to change disposable EPS boxes with reusable boxes in plastic, after measures from the grocery industry.

If a similar solution is to be used to transport fish in Norway and in Europe, it will lead to great environmental gains, as well as big savings for the seafood industry.

We have a cooperative agreement with one of the largest box pool actors in the Nordics. Therefore we already have the whole system solution in place to deliver up to three million box deliveries.

When the seafood industry needs more than three million box deliveries per year, we have a plan in place. Together with our partners we can substantially scale up the capasity.

Our recycling project ReCreate makes it possible to take worn out and destroyed boxes, grind them up and produce new boxes, approved for transport of seafood. Both the Norwegian Research Council and Handelens miljøfond is supporting our projects.

It is important for the seafood industry to have an alternative which is based 100 % on reuse. The reusable box from RTI Sea would potentially have a life span of 60 years instead of an EPS box that in average has a life span of 36 hours.

Our packaging concept will, according to calculations from NORSUS (Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research), reduce CO2 footprint with approx. 70 % compared to today's solution with EPS boxes.

Reducing cost and CO2 emissions

RTI Sea are aiming at offering the seafood industry a packaging concept that not only reduces packaging cost, but also leads to a substantial reduction of CO2 footprint which todays use of EPS boxes represents.

50-60 million EPS boxes for Norwegian seafood are produced every year. These boxes have an average lifespan of 36 hours before they are shredded or recycled.

We are experiencing that the EPS industry are working towards finding solutions for recycling and reusing the raw material, but that they have a long way ahead to solve this environmental problem. A high CO2 footprint from EPS will remain a great and difficult challenge to overcome, and the recycling volume is very low and difficult to confirm.

Read more about our LCA evaluation of seafood boxes in EPS

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